“The minute I held Library of America’s Parkman volume — even before I read it — I knew I would become its Guardian.”—Andrea G. Stillman
Guardian of Francis Parkman: The Oregon Trail, The Conspiracy of Pontiac Adopted in memory of her aunt, Mary Riepma Ross (1910–2013)
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Volumes Available for Adoption
As of December 2019
Please see catalog or loa.org/books for description of each title.
Henry Adams
History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
Writings from the New Nation 1784–1826
John Quincy Adams
Diaries 1779-1821
James Agee
Film Writing & Selected Journalism
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, A Death in the Family, Shorter Fiction
Louisa May Alcott
Work, Eight Cousins, Rose in Bloom, Stories & Other Writings
American Birds: A Literary Companion
American Conservatism: Reclaiming an Intellectual Tradition
American Musicals 1950-1969, The Complete Books & Lyrics of Eight Broadway Classics
Guys and Dolls, The Pajama Game, My Fair Lady, Gypsy, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Fiddler on the Roof, Cabaret, 1776
American Poetry, The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
American Science Fiction: Classic Novels of the 1950s
Four Classic Novels 1953-1956: The Space Merchants, More Than Human, The Long Tomorrow, The Shrinking Man
Five Classic Novels 1956-1958: Double Star, The Stars My Destination, A Case of Conscience, Who?, The Big Time
American Science Fiction: Classic Novels of the 1960s
Four Classic Novels 1960-1966: The High Crusade, Way Station, Flowers for Algernon, …And Call Me Conrad [This Immortal]
Four Classic Novels 1968-1969: Past Master, Picnic on Paradise, Nova, Emphyrio
The American Stage: Writing on Theater from Washington Irving to Tony Kushner
Sherwood Anderson
Collected Stories: Winesburg, Ohio; The Triumph of the Egg, Horses and Men; Death in the Woods; Uncollected Stories
John Ashbery
Collected Poems 1956-1987
Collected Poems 1991-2000
James Baldwin
Later Novels: Tell Me How Long the Train’s Been Gone, If Beale Street Could Talk, Just Above My Head
Saul Bellow
Novels 1944-1953: Dangling Man, The Victim, The Adventures of Augie March
Novels 1956-1964: Seize the Day, Henderson the Rain King, Herzog
Novels 1970-1982: Mr. Sammler’s Planet, Humboldt’s Gift, The Dean’s December
Novels 1984-2000: What Kind of Day Did You Have?, A Theft, The Bellarosa Connection, The Actual, More Die of Heartbreak, Ravelstein
Wendell Berry
Essays 1993—2017
Harold Bloom
The American Canon: Literary Genius from Emerson to Pynchon
Jane Bowles
Collected Writings
Charles Brockden Brown
Three Gothic Novels: Wieland, Arthur Mervyn, Edgar Huntly
William Wells Brown
Clotel & Other Writings: includes Narrative of William Wells Brown, a Fugitive Slave; Clotel, or, the President’s Daughter; The American Fugitive in Europe; The Escape, or, A Leap for Freedom
Raymond Carver
Collected Stories: Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?; What We Talk About When We Talk About Love; Cathedral; Beginners; Other Stories and Selected Essays
John Cheever
Complete Novels: The Wapshot Chronicle, The Wapshot Scandal, Bullet Park, Falconer, Oh What a Paradise It Seems
Collected Stories & Other Writings
Charles Chesnutt
Stories, Novels, & Essays: The Conjure Woman, The Wife of His Youth, The House Behind the Cedars, The Marrow of Tradition, selected essays
Kate Chopin
Complete Novels & Stories: Bayou Folk, A Night in Acadie, The Awakening, Uncollected stories
James Fenimore Cooper
Sea Tales: The Pilot, The Red Rover
Hart Crane
Poems & Selected Letters
Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1950s
The Killer Inside Me; The Talented Mr. Ripley; Pick-Up; Down There; The Real Cool Killers
Philip K. Dick
Four Novels of the 1960s: The Man in the High Castle, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Ubik
Five Novels of the 1960s & 70s: Martian Time-Slip; Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb; Now Wait for Last Year; Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said; A Scanner Darkly
Joan Didion
The 1960s and 70s: Run, River; Slouching Toward Bethlehem; Play It As It Lays; A Book of Common Prayer; The White Album
John Dos Passos
Novels 1920-1925, Three Soldiers, One Man’s Initiation, Manhattan Transfer
Travel Books and Other Writings 1916-1941
Theodore Dreiser
Sister Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt, Twelve Men
An American Tragedy
Jonathan Edwards
Writings from the Great Awakening
James T. Farrell
Studs Lonigan: A Trilogy: Young Lonigan, The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan, Judgment Day
William Faulkner
Novels 1926-1929: Soldiers’ Pay, Mosquitoes, Flags in the Dust
Novels 1936–1940: Absalom, Absalom!; The Unvanquished; If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem; The Hamlet
Novels 1942–1954: Go Down, Moses; Intruder in the Dust, Requiem for a Nun; A Fable
Novels 1957-1962: The Town, The Mansion, The Reivers: Reminiscence
The Great American Sports Page: A Century of Classic Columns from Ring Lardner to Sally Jenkins
David Goodis
Five Noir Novels of the 1940s & 50s: Dark Passage, Nightfall, The Burglar, The Moon in the Gutter, Street of No Return
Harlem Renaissance Novels
Five Novels of the 1920s: Cane, Home to Harlem, Quicksand, Plum Bun, The Blacker the Berry
Four Novels of the 1930s: Not Without Laughter, Black No More, The Conjure-Man Dies, Black Thunder
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Tales & Sketches: Twice-told Tales, Mosses from an Old Manse, The Snow Image, The Wonder Book, Tanglewood Tales, other stories
Lafcadio Hearn
American Writings: Some Chinese Ghosts, Chita, Two Years in the French West Indies, Youma, Selected Journalism and Letters
Richard Hofstadter
Anti-Intellectualism, Paranoid Style, Uncollected Essays 1956-1965
William Dean Howells
Novels 1875–1886: A Foregone Conclusion, Indian Summer, A Modern Instance, The Rise of Silas Lapham
Novels 1886–1888: The Minister’s Charge, April Hopes, Annie Kilburn
Zora Neale Hurston
Folklore, Memoirs & Other Writings: Mules and Men, Tell My Horse, Dust Tracks on a Road, Selected Articles
Novels & Stories: Jonah’s Gourd Vine; Their Eyes Were Watching God; Moses, Man of the Mountain; Seraph on the Suwanee; Stories
Washington Irving
Bracebridge Hall, Tales of a Traveller, The Alhambra
History, Tales & Sketches: Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, Gent.; Salmagundi; A History of New York; The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.; other satires and sketches
Three Western Narratives: A Tour on the Prairies; Astoria; The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
Shirley Jackson
Novels and Stories: The Lottery, or The Adventures of James Harris; The Haunting of Hill House; We Have Always Lived in the Castle; Other Stories and Sketches
Henry James
Autobiographies: A Small Boy and Others, Notes of a Son and Brother, The Middle Years, Other Writings
Collected Travel Writings, Volume I: Great Britain & America: English Hours, The American Scene, Other Travels
Complete Stories 1864-1874: includes “Gabrielle de Bergerac,” “Master Eustace,” “Guest’s Confession,” and others
Complete Stories 1892–1898: includes “The Real Thing,” “The Figure in the Carpet,” “The Turn of the Screw,” and others
Novels 1871–1880: Watch and Ward, Roderick Hudson, The American, The Europeans, Confidence
Novels 1886–1890: The Princess Casamassima, The Reverberator, The Tragic Muse
Novels 1896-1899: The Other House, The Spoils of Poynton, What Maisie Knew, The Awkward Age
Novels 1901-1902: The Sacred Fount, The Wings of the Dove
William James
Writings 1878–1899: The Will to Believe & Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, Psychology: Briefer Course, Talks to Teachers & to Students; other essays
Writings 1902–1910: The Varieties of Religious Experience, Pragmatism, A Pluralistic Universe, The Meaning of Truth, Some Problems of Philosophy
James Weldon Johnson
Writings: The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, Along This Way, God’s Trombones
George S. Kaufman & Co.
Broadway Comedies: The Royal Family, Animal Crackers, June Moon, Once in a Lifetime, Of Thee I Sing, You Can’t Take It with You, Dinner at Eight, Stage Door, The Man Who Came to Dinner
Jack Kerouac
Collected Poems
Road Novels 1957-1960: On the Road, The Dharma Bums, The Subterraneans, Tristessa, Lonesome Traveler, Journal Selections
Visions of Cody, Visions of Gerard, Bug Sur
The Unknown Kerouac: Rare and Uncollected Writings
Ring Lardner
Stories & Other Writings: includes You Know Me Al, The Big Town, The Real Dope
Ursula K. Le Guin
Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume One
Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume Two
Always Coming Home (Author’s Expanded Edition)
Elmore Leonard
Westerns: Last Stand at Saber River, Hombre, Valdez Is Coming, Forty Lashes Less One, Collected Stories
Aldo Leopold
A Sand County Almanac & Other Writings on Ecology and Conservation
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Poems & Other Writings: includes The Song of Hiawatha, Evangeline, Tales from a Wayside Inn, Kavanagh
Madeleine L’Engle
The Kairos Novels (2 volumes)
The Wrinkle in Time Quartet: A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters
The Polly O’Keefe Quartet: The Arm of the Starfish, Dragons in the Waters, A House Like a Lotus, An Acceptable Time
Ross Macdonald
Four Novels of the 1950s: The Way Some People Die, The Barbarous Coast, The Doomsters, The Galton Case
Three Novels of the Early 1960s: The Zebra-Striped Hearse, The Chill, The Far Side of The Dollar
Four Later Novels: Black Money, The Instant Enemy, The Goodbye Look, The Underground Man
Norman Mailer
Four Books of the 1960s: An American Dream, Why Are We in Vietnam?, The Armies of the Night, Miami and the Siege of Chicago
Collected Essays of the 1960s
Bernard Malamud
Novels and Stories of the 1940s & 50s: The Natural, The Assistant, Stories
Novels and Stories of the 1960s: A New Life, The Fixer, Pictures of Fidelman, Stories
John Marshall
William Maxwell
Later Novels & Stories: The Chateau; So Long, See You Tomorrow; Stories and Improvisations 1957-1999
Mary McCarthy
Novels and Stories 1963-1979: The Group, Birds of America, Cannibals and Missionaries, Appendix: “The Novels That Got Away”
Carson McCullers
Complete Novels: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, Reflections in a Golden Eye, The Ballad of the Sad Café, The Member of the Wedding, Clock Without Hands
Stories, Plays, & Other Writings
Herman Melville
Typee, Omoo, Mardi
Complete Poems
H. L. Mencken
The Days Trilogy, Expanded Edition: Happy Days 1880-1892, Newspaper Days 1899-1906, Heathen Days 1890-1936
Prejudices: First, Second, and Third Series
Prejudices: Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Series
W. S. Merwin
Collected Poems 1952-1993
Collected Poems 1996-2013
Arthur Miller
Collected Plays, 1964-1982: After the Fall, Incident at Vichy, The Price, The Creation of the World and Other Business, Up from Paradise, The American Clock, The Archbishop’s Ceiling, Playing for Time, The Reason Why, Fame, The Poosidin’s Resignation, I Think About You a Great Deal, Elegy for a Lady, Some Kind of Love Story
Collected Plays, 1987-2004: The Ride Down Mt. Morgan, The Last Yankee, Broken Glass, Resurrection Blues
Albert Murray
Collected Essays & Memoirs
Collected Novels & Poems
Vladimir Nabokov
Novels & Memoirs 1941–1951: The Real Life of Sebastian Knight; Bend Sinister; Speak, Memory
Novels 1955–1962: Lolita; Pale Fire; Pnin; Lolita: A Screenplay
Novels 1969–1974: Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle; Transparent Things; Look at the Harlequins!
Frank Norris
Novels & Essays: Vandover & the Brute, McTeague, The Octopus
John O’Hara
Ann Petry
The Street, The Narrows
Katherine Anne Porter
Collected Stories and Other Writings
Ezra Pound
Poems and Translations
Reconstruction: Voices from America’s First Great Struggle for Racial Equality
Reporting Civil Rights Volumes
Part One: American Journalism 1941-1963
Part Two: American Journalism 1963-1973
Philip Roth
Zuckerman Bound: A Trilogy & Epilogue 1979-1985: The Ghost Writer, Zuckerman Unbound, The Anatomy Lesson, The Prague Orgy
Novels and Other Narratives: The Counterlife, The Facts, Deception, Patrimony
Novels 1993-1995: Operation Shylock, Sabbath’s Theater
The American Trilogy: American Pastoral, I Married a Communist, The Human Stain
Novels 2001-2007: The Dying Animal, The Plot Against America, Exit Ghost
Nemeses: Everyman, Indignation, The Humbling, Nemesis
Why Write? Collected Nonfiction 1960-2013
Jonathan Schell
The Fate of the Earth, The Abolition, The Unconquerable World
William Tecumseh Sherman
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Collected Stories: Gimpel the Fool to The Letter Writer
Collected Stories: One Night in Brazil to The Death of Methuselah
Capt. John Smith
Writings with Other Narratives of Roanoke, Jamestown, and the First English Settlement of America
Susan Sontag
Essays of the 1960s & 70s: Against Interpretation, Styles of Radical Will, On Photography, Illness as Metaphor, uncollected essays
Later Essays: Under the Sign of Saturn, AIDS and its Metaphors, Where the Stress Falls, Regarding the Pain of Others, At the Same Time
Jean Stafford
Complete Novels: Boston Adventure, The Mountain Lion, The Catherine Wheel
Gertrude Stein
Writings 1932-1946: Stanzas in Meditation, Henry James, Lectures in America, The Geographical History of America, The World is Round, Ida, Brewsie & Willie, and essays
John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath & Other Writings 1936–1941: The Long Valley, The Grapes of Wrath, The Log from the Sea of Cortez, The Harvest Gypsies
Novels & Stories 1932–1937: The Pastures of Heaven, To a God Unknown, Tortilla Flat, In Dubious Battle, Of Mice & Men
Novels 1942-1952: The Moon is Down, Cannery Row, The Pearl, East of Eden
Travels with Charley and Later Novels 1947-1962: The Wayward Bus, Burning Bright, Sweet Thursday, The Winter of Our Discontent, Travels with Charley in Search of America
Robert Stone
Dog Soldiers, A Flag for Sunrise, Outerbridge Reach
May Swenson
Collected Poems
Booth Tarkington
Novels & Stories: The Magnificent Ambersons, Alice Adams, In the Arena: Stories of Political Life
Virgil Thomson
Music Chronicles 1940-1954: The Musical Scene, The Art of Judging Music, Music Right and Left, Music Reviewed: 1940-1954
The State of Music & Other Writings
John Updike
Novels 1959-1965: The Poorhouse Fair; Rabbit, Run; The Centaur; Of the Farm
Novels 1968-1975: Couples; Rabbit Redux; A Month of Sundays
Kurt Vonnegut
Novels & Stories 1963-1973: Cat’s Cradle; God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater; Slaughterhouse Five; Breakfast of Champions; stories
Novels & Stories 1976-1985: Slapstick, Jailbird, Deadeye Dick, Galápagos
Novels 1987–1997: Bluebeard, Hocus Pocus, Timequake
The War of 1812
Writings from America’s Second War of Independence
Lynd Ward
Gods’ Man, Madman’s Drum, Wild Pilgrimage
Prelude to a Million Years, Song Without Words, Vertigo
Nathanael West
Novels & Other Writings: The Dream Life of Balso Snell, Miss Lonelyhearts, A Cool Million, and The Day of the Locust
Edith Wharton
Four Novels of the 1920s: The Glimpses of the Moon, A Son at the Front, Twilight Sleep, The Children
Thornton Wilder
The Bridge of San Luis Rey and Other Novels 1926-1948: The Cabala; The Bridge of San Luis Rey; The Woman of Andros; Heaven’s My Destination; The Ides of March; Selected Stories and Essays
The Eighth Day, Theophilus North, Autobiographical Writings
Tennessee Williams
Plays 1957–1980: includes Orpheus Descending, Suddenly Last Summer, Sweet Bird of Youth, The Night of the Iguana
Constance Fenimore Woolson
Collected Stories
Richard Wright
Later Works: Black Boy (American Hunger), The Outside
As of December 2019
Review the list of volumes available for adoption and select one or more writers or volumes that have personal significance for you or someone close to you.
Notify Library of America that you are considering adopting a volume. Library of America staff are happy to assist you in making your selection and will send you a sample acknowledgment page so that you may see how your commitment will be recognized in perpetuity.
Pledging a Gift to the Guardians Fund
The pledge to become a Guardian is $75,000, payable by either cash or stock donation. The pledge is typically paid all at once but may be paid in two equal installments over two years. If you would like to arrange payment in installments, Library of America staff will customize a payment schedule for you.
You may also adopt a volume with a planned gift as part of your estate plan. If you would like information about how to become a Guardian of American Letters with a legacy gift, please e-mail support@loa.org.