“Our gift of Library of America books is a way of honoring the memory of my grandfather by supporting the people who live in the rural area where he was raised.”
—James Hartley, trustee, The Grubb Family Foundation
(gifts to public libraries in Idaho)
Through Library of America’s Gift Sets Program, you can make a tax-deductible gift of essential American writings to an institution of your choice—such as a child’s school, your alma mater, or a hometown library.
Your gift of Library of America volumes can be a special tribute that honors or remembers a friend, family member, alumnus, or colleague—this is a wonderful way to recognize an enthusiastic reader in your life. A gift set can also have special impact at an underserved public school, prison, shelter, or community center that would not otherwise be able to acquire a core collection of American writing for its library.
Library of America staff will help you select a set of volumes that captures the spirit of your gift. You may create a Gift Set of any size, from 25 volumes to the complete Library of America series. Volumes given through the Gift Sets Program are discounted to $25 each—30 percent off LOA’s already-discounted retail price—and shipping is free. A handsome bookplate acknowledging your gift will be provided for the front of each volume donated.
How the Program Works
The Gifts Sets Program has been designed to be simple and convenient. To participate:
- Designate a recipient institution or have Library of America select an underserved institution for you.
- Identify, if you wish, an individual to be honored or remembered through your gift.
- Browse the Library of America catalog to create your Gift Set
- Complete and return a Gift Set Order Form (PDF) or contact Library of America at (212) 308-3360 to complete your gift.
Donations of volumes through the Gift Sets Program are 100% tax-deductible.