Perhaps no issue engages today’s students more than climate change. How to understand the complex interconnections between environmental degradation and humanity’s actions? What are our obligations to society and to each other as we seek more sustainable and responsible ways of living? Young people know the quality of their future lives depends on the answers.
More than 150 years ago, Henry David Thoreau explored these questions with an eloquence, insight, and moral vision unique in our literature. To read him is to be provoked into new ways of asking fundamental questions about how we want to live in relation to our government, to fellow citizens, and to the planet.

Thanks to the generosity of our members and donors—listed in a special Honor Roll below—the Spring 2023 LOA in the Classroom initiative will place free copies of Henry David Thoreau: Walden, The Maine Woods, Collected Essays & Poems in the hands of secondary school teachers in all fifty states. We have been thrilled to see an enormous response to this campaign, with a record-setting number of LOA in the Classroom supporters demonstrating their interest in sharing Thoreau’s writings with students nationwide. With their participation, we will be able to support several hundred additional classrooms this season.
More than 1,200 pages long, this comprehensive Library of America edition gathers all of Thoreau’s most essential writings on nature, politics, and society, including Walden, a landmark of American literature, at once a spiritual autobiography, personal declaration of independence, and manual of self-reliance. The collected writings offer irreplaceable grounding and guidance for a rising generation of Americans.
It’s not too late to participate in this year’s LOA in the Classroom initiative. You can make a donation to help bring Thoreau’s wise reflections to young people with passionate interest in confronting climate change, and we will gratefully recognize your gift in the Honor Roll below.
The Spring 2023 LOA in the Classroom Honor Roll
List as of 6/1/23
Juliana Aldous
John Allen
Barrie Althoff
Anonymous (65)
Anonymous, in memory of Henry Paul Hensley
Mark Battagila
Nancy Beals
John Becker
Candace and Rick Beinecke
Alfred Bendixen
Michael K. Berlin
Cara Berman
John A. Bernard
David Berry
Casimir Z. Biedrzycki
Debbie L. Blackwell
Robert Blair
Mary Kay Blake
Drs. Annette and Stanley Blaugrund
John Wolfe Blotzer
Wade and Jamie Boese
Charles A. Bordner, Jr.
Kent H. Borges
Sudip Bose
Christopher K. Bourke
Stephen S. Bowen
John J. Brandon
Daniel Braud
Jeffrey F. Brenny
Barbara G. Brown
Gregory Burley Brown
Dr. Richard L. Brundige
Dennis J. Buchanin
Hugh Burtner
Jeremy Burton
H. James Buske
Dennis A. Caine
Charles Y. Caldwell III
Christina Carey
Christopher Carr
Robert Casler
Dino J. Caterini
Claudio Cepeda, M.D.
Steven and Melody Charno
Carl Chernoff
Nancy Christensen
David W. Clark
Joan Hardy Clark
Gary E. Clyde
James L. Cogar
Stuart I. Cohen
John Collinge
Amy Collins
Joel Conarroe
Donald R. Cooney
Robert W. Cover II
Gail Covington
Dean Crawford
Nancy L. Crouse
Richard Dannay
Anna Darden
Susan DeWitt Davie
Hubert O. Davis, Jr.
Claudia De Anda
Gary A. Debele
Michael J. DeLoye
Janet Denlinger
Jason Dodson
Michael M. Dorcy
Randall Dykstra
Brian Earley
Gerard East
Donald Egan
Donald E. Elder
Robert Ern
Aline Faben
Alan and Millie Fell
David Fettig
Ford Flowers
Charles T. Ford
Cornelius Fortune
Travis C. Foster
Howard Fox
Lucas Fralick
David P. Frazier
Dennis Fredrickson
Thomas Friedman
David J. Gallagher
Louis Gertler
Carol C. Gibson
Charles C. Gilbert III
Glen R. Golightly
Daniel Graifer
Thomas W. Green III
A. C. Greer
Mark H. Gregory
Richard W. Grosz
George Grubb
Douglas Gruenau
Robert W. Gruska
Glenn Halberstadt
William D. Hamilton
Billy Hammond
Dr. William C. Harris
Brett Hartfield
Prof. James E. Hartley
James and Kathleen Hatchell
Andrew S. Hedden
William Heimel
Scott Henderson
Harold Henke
Thomas Hester
Deidre Veronica Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Claire Fox Hillard
Jan Hilley
Mark Hiser
William T. Hoffman
Richard Holz
Beth F. Houston
Michael J. Howard
Francine Hyde
Orton P. Jackson, Jr.
Doug James
Nizar Jetha
Kevin Johnson
Mark A. Johnson
Eric Karn
Kenneth Kaufman
Marc D. Kaye
Dr. Richard P. Keeling
Jocelyn A. Kelley
Martin Knapp-Cordes
Shawn Korhel
Robert Kossler
Dennis J. Kosterman
Christine A. Koyanagi
Mark and Lisa Krosse
Joan Kung-Levy
Stefan Kwiatkowski
Charles M. Lammers
Aaron Larrimore
Andrea Lasman
Paul and Judy Leavis
Michael and Donna Lennon
Harry Kay Lesser, Jr.
Harris Levy
Tylor S. Loest
Erik R. Loy
Roseanne T. Lucianek
Peter Lukacs
Alexander Lynch
Denise C. MacRae
John Madden
Michael W. Maney
Elaina Mann
Brenda Marshall
Cheryl A. Martin
Francis M. Martinez
Edwin S. and Patricia Barnes Matthews
James Mawdsley
Ellen M. McCain
Kevin T. McConnell
Thomas J. McGonigle
Elke McKee
James F. McKinney
Andy McLaughlin
Michael McMaster
Frank McNerney
Jack W. Mendelsohn
Brian Meoni
Steven Meyer
Michael Mezak
James P. Miller
Peter H. Miller
Thomas Molchan
Mario and Irene Morales
Mildred V. Morganstern
George L. Moses
Joseph Murphree
Erik A. Nelson
Drina Nemes
The New York Community Trust Progress Fund
Lewis L. Nunnelley
Arthur S. Nusbaum
Anthony O’Brien
Duncan M. O’Brien, Jr.
James Olesen
Mary Olsen
T. Patrick O’Neil
Evan M. Osler, in honor of Rose Marie Fox Osler and Benjamin Jerome Osler
Sandy and Gene O’Sullivan
Craig Palmer
Tari Pantaleo
Kelly Pavlik
David N. Pearce
John Pennington
Donald B. Percival
William and Anna Marie Petersen
Jack Phillips
Robert P. Philp, Jr.
Anand Pillay
Wayne and Laurie Pipke
Mark Planellas, Sr.
Daniel Pohuly
Elliott B. Pollack
Connie Price
Steven V. Priest
Matthew and April Quilter
Harold Ramage
Andrew Randak
William Rawson
David Ray
Markus Ray
Harry M. Reasoner
Thomas A. Reed
William J. Reed
Norman Reid
Joseph R. Reilly
Kevin M. Reynolds
Beth Rice
Joe D. Rice
Donna and Martin Rich
Rigoberto Rico
Robert S. Rifkind
John C. Ring
William J. Robbins
Judy I. Roberts
Michael Rosenblum
Sharon C. Ross
Jo Ann Rothschild
Louis Rothschild
Kevin G. Rousseau
Nancy Rudolph
John A. Sahayda
Andrew Schneider
Larry Schumann
Robert Schwab
Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts
Dr. Michael L. Seewer
J. Edward Seiber
Dr. Carole Shaffer-Koros
Barbara A. Shailor and Harry W. Blair
Catherine Share
Julia Vahey Shea
Aryeh Sherman
Daniel M. Sibo
Marc Simoneau
Allison M. Sleeman
Robert C. Sloan, Jr.
Carol A. Smith
Clayton Smith
David Bruce Smith
Michael K. Smith
Peter Solet
Ronald S. Solow
Robert and Kate Speckman
James A. Squires
Alan L. Steffen
Paul H. Stern
William P. Stokes
Michael Stoner
Carolyn C. Stow
Steven L. Strange
David Strollo
John D. Stull
M. C. Swanwick
Peter Sweyer
John D. Tabor
G. Thomas Tanselle
Sally and Jerry E. Tanselle
Mary S. Thomasset
Philip J. Thompson
David C. Thomsen
Nye S. Thuesen
Richard Timko
William Tinney
Christopher Tobias
John F. Todd
William A. Tolle-Rodrigues
Timothy Towne
Stacia Trask
Deborah Treece
Suzanne D. Troy
Lorraine H. Truitt
Sue L. Tuell
Curtis A. Twiddy
William L. Upton
Peter Utgaard
John Van Dalen
Pasquale Vignola
Jack Vitale
James Voorhees
Jim Walke
Gregg A. Walker
Jay L. Ward
Dr. Richard Wardrop and Mrs. Sarah Wardrop
Richard Warmer
Susan K. Weatherbee
Peter J. Weller
Patrick F. Weyer
Carol Wheeler
Roxann Whitaker
John Wilson
Calhoun Winton
Jeffrey S. Wood
Daniel Wulff
Patrick A. Young
Frank J. Zwolinski, Jr.
(To correct or update a listing, please send an e-mail to lists@loa.org.)